How to get bike insurance? 2022 Step By Step – CgGamers.Com

How to get bike insurance? 2022 Step By Step

  • How to get bike insurance? 2022 Step By Step

How to get bike insurance?

Hello friends, you are wholeheartedly welcome in this post of ours, as everyone buys vehicles in our country, perhaps you must have bought it at some point or the other, so in such a situation, you will know how important it is to insure every vehicle. If yes, then through today’s post I am going to tell youI am knowing how you can insure your car online sitting at home.So friends, in our post, you are going to get information about this important topic, how to insure the bike, if you people also want to know how we can insure the bike, then follow this post of mine carefully from the beginning to the last. Keep reading but you have to skip this post of mine anywhereIf you do not have to do it, otherwise you will not understand, that is why my advice to you is that whatever information is being given to you here, you have to follow it carefully.

 • How to do bike insurance 2022

Many people buy all these things like car, bike etc but they do not know how to get the last insurance and where can get insurance and how do we have to pay after the loss but today you have to know about all the subject. I am going to get detailed information and whatever vehicle you wantThey are buying a lot of such people also buy insurance.Many people think that what happens after insurance, why is it bought for a car, is it necessary, then if I explain to you in simple and Hindi language, then it is very important because it helps in your misfortune. If you ever get into an accident with your vehicle, then its lossYou can avoid such a mishap if you have your car insured to carry it.

 • What is Insurance?

When we buy any new car, bike or car or buy any vehicle, we all know that the cost of all these things is very high and there are many insurance companies which provide this feature to you people. You buy insurance for the car from them, after that whatever happens to your carIt means to say that if your car is stolen or gets into an accident or gets damaged.

So in such a situation, the insurance company returns your car to you and it is also beneficial that in this post you will get to know in detail how to insure a car or bike sitting at home.

 • How to insure bike?

In today’s race, everyone is very busy, no one has enough time to go to the market and buy insurance, but for this you have to pay a lot of charges, thus you spend a lot of money but Here you will be told in an online way that you are insuredHow can you buy and you will not have to pay any kind of charge for this.If you do any work online, then you save a lot of time and money, now you must have understood how important it is to get insurance for the car, in the same way without food your body does not do anything. Similarly, insurance is also very high in the time of your calamityis important.

 • How to do bike insurance sitting at home?

So to get insurance, here we are telling you the complete information step by step, so read all the steps carefully.

Step 1

So friends, first of all you have to wait on the website of Digital Seva Portal, after reaching there, I have to login you.

Step 2

When you will be login to the website of Digital Seva Portal, then there you will see an option of Insurance, click on it, after that you will get the option of Motor Third Party, click on it.

Note :

Friends, if we tell you about what is Third Party Insurance First Party Insurance, then this post will be a bit long, that’s why we have to click on Motor Third Party Option.

Step 3

After clicking on the motor third party option, a page will open in front of you, in which you have to first select the motor insurance company, here the names of many companies will come in front of you, you can select any good company for bike insurance. Are.

Step 4

After selecting, now a page will open in front of you here, in which you will see the option of Login with Digital Seva Connect, click on it.

(You have to fill all the details in the forum properly and after you die, you have to submit it only after checking thoroughly two or three times.)

Step 5

First of all, you have to enter the number of your vehicle in the registration box and tomorrow you have written the number of the vehicle in the details, all the information related to your vehicle will come in front of you and below that it will also be known how much you will get insurance.

Step 6

Then you see the Proceed for Payment option, click on it, after that you have to enter the CSC ID password and click on the valid option.

Step 7

Then you will get the option to make online payment, out of which you can pay from the wallet as per your wish, after making the payment, the insurance of your bike will be completed.

After being insured, the policy number will appear on your screen, which you can keep safe or you can keep it somewhere in writing or you can also get its print out.

So friends, in this way you can insure your bike online sitting at home, I sincerely hope that today you must have liked this information of mine, here I have explained you complete information step by step in very simple and with Hindi language.

 • What did you learn in this post

So friends, through today’s post, I have told you how to insure a bike in 2022. I sincerely hope that you must have liked this post of mine, if you have liked it, then please think it along with your friends on the platform. Must share also, if you have any question related to this post of mineIf you want to ask, you can ask through the comment section below, we will do our best to answer each and every question of yours, that’s all for today, thank you in the next post